El Dorado Arkansas elections

Meet Bill Luther

Bill Luther

I announced my candidacy for Mayor because I believe my unique blend of public and private sector experience will serve the citizens of El Dorado well. We chose to call El Dorado home. We care about El Dorado thriving, being a community that people choose to live. A place where people want to raise their children and the children want to return.
I have 39 years of utility management experience with Entergy. I’m blessed to have worked for a company that encourages community service; a company ranked as a Top Ten Economic Development Utility for 10 years. Entergy challenged me to become a Professional Community and Economic Developer (PCED). I obtained PCED certification in 2011 and I have served as a Class Director for the University of Central Arkansas Community Development Institute (CDI). CDI trains elected officials, community leaders and economic development professionals on how to strengthen their local economies and build communities. I am also a graduate of LeadAR, the University of Arkansas Department Of Agriculture’s rural leadership program.
My career at Entergy has also provided me with emergency management training and experience, which is one of the reasons I was chosen to lead a four-state System Outage Management Team. The team developed the company’s response process to major outages. Since then, Entergy has been awarded the Edison Electric Institutes Major Outage Response award each year for the last 18 years.
I am currently a Registered Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) in the State of Arkansas and certified by Department of Homeland Security and the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management at the Advanced Incident Command 400 Level for Command and General Staff. I have worked as a volunteer for a municipal fire department serving as a Captain, Training Officer, and EMT. I received the Vilonia Arkansas Fire Department’s “Firefighter of the Year Award” in 1998.
I served as Chairman of the Board for the United Way of Union County and on the executive committee of the El Dorado – Union County Chamber of Commerce from 2011 – 2018 and served as Chair for the 2013 – 2014 term.
I served on the board of METROPLAN, the Central Arkansas Metropolitan Planning Board, and eight years on the El Dorado Water Utilities Commission and three years on the Union County Election Commission. In May of 2014, the Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners (SBEC) certified me as an Election Monitor. The SBEC subsequently appointed me as a monitor in four separate elections.
I presently serve on the HealthWorks Fitness Center advisory board, the Union County Single Parent Scholarship board, and the Golden Triangle Economic Development Council. Additionally I serve on College Avenue Church of Christ Safety Team, and the Mission and Gift Ministry’s committees. I am Lifetime member of the NRA.
My career as an engineer and customer service manager for Entergy has given me a keen understanding of what it takes to create new jobs, as well as to keep our existing businesses growing. My lifelong spiritual walk has taught me that we are called to help others. My service in numerous community organizations has shown me first-hand the needs and opportunities ahead for our city.


As I listened to many of you and other residents answer the question “What can I do for you?” I learned what was important; repair streets and fix potholes, provide a high level of public services, pick up the litter, clean up our city, support workforce training, increase shopping a recreational opportunities and provide the basic essential services of police and fire protection. I agreed with you that we need to treat all people with respect and have order in our council meetings. From those conservation's I developed a 5 point plan. That is why the “I” in Bill on our Campaign material is a 5 point star.

Point 1. I pledge to place “PEOPLE over POLITICS. People have the right to be involved in the decisions that affect them. I will promote fair and open participation for the common good of all El Dorado residents…every day.

Point 2. The city has an obligation to provide the essentials of local government – good streets, safe drinking water, and dependable waste collection. A well trained, well equipped and well-staffed police and fire department. These are critical to new growth and make up a substantial portion of the city budget. I will work to ensure that Public Safety and Public Works are effective, efficient, and responsive to the needs of our citizens. I promised the sanitation truck driver that collects our trash every Tuesday morning that my first week in office I wanted to ride with him in order to gain an understanding of his challenges and listen to his suggestions for improvement. PUBLIC SAFETY AND PUBLIC WORKS will be a priority.

Point 3. I believe our community has an obligation to provide activities and programs that allow everyone to develop the skills to learn a trade or earn a degree and become a productive member of society. I pledge to expand recreational and cultural opportunities for the citizens of El Dorado and for those -our quality of life will attract. Thriving communities are established on a foundation of education, the arts, retail and recreation. QUALITY LIVING & LEARNING will be a priority.

Point 4. I am impressed with the employees that have been recruited to work in in our businesses. They were attracted from Tucson to Tampa from Philadelphia to Houston and choose to live in El Dorado. As a Professional Certified in Community & Economic Development, I understand that when communities place a priority on PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS, QUALITY of LIFE, and EDUCATION there will be JOBS & MORE JOBS!

Point 5. I’ve always admired the can-do spirit of El Dorado. Nothing worthwhile is ever accomplished alone. I want to instill a sense of partnership in every endeavor by working together with groups, organizations, schools and churches. I want our city to be a shining star as leader in creating cohesive partnerships. My experience has taught me, I cannot solve our problems or grow our city alone. But TOGETHER, ALL of us working TOGETHER, WE CAN!
I would appreciate your vote and support as we ALL WORK TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE THE GOALS WE WANT FOR EL DORADO. THANK YOU!

Contact Bill

(870) 310-0925


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